One Year Down!

One Year Down!

Kim Ehrman

And just like that, Lavender Finch has been in business for a year!

Actually, it's been a few days over a year. I looked at the calendar this weekend and thought, wait, when did we launch? A few minutes of scrolling through memories later, I realized the anniversary had just passed. That's on brand for this season: squeezing Lavender Finch activities in between business transformation consulting work, taking yet another dog walk, and trying to be a good sister, daughter, and neighbor. 

Thank you for a great year! It's been full of more learning, growing, and new experiences than I could have imagined. There's a long list of things I've loved and want to repeat. Making friends at pop-up markets and supporting fellow small business owners around town are near the top of the list. It's been a joy to become part of the St. Louis entrepreneurial community.

I've also loved having a creative outlet. When my Mom said, I really want another Christmas card in your collection, I got to say, tell me more of what you're looking for! Another highlight was laughing at myself and the jack-o-lantern that got eaten by squirrels -- and deciding to turn it into a card. Why the heck not?!

There's a shorter list of things I haven't loved and don't want to repeat. A couple of the pop-up markets I participated in just weren't for me, and I will choose not to participate in them again. All good: something tried, something learned, and no pressure to do it again. I decided that it was important to say yes to as many things as I could this year; over the next year, I'll be more selective.

There was also that time I fired my accountant after having to email, call, and text them multiple times to get anything done. Nope, moved on with a clear conscience. (Though you can ask my sister about how I agonized over the decision before making it!)

All in all, it's a year I wouldn't give up. The best part of it has been the supportive community around me. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the ideas, feedback, enthusiastic support, and more. Let's see what the next year has in store!