Prioritize, Plan, and Get it Done

Prioritize, Plan, and Get it Done

Kim Ehrman

Really, really exciting news: we're launching an annual planner! This is a labor of love that's taken several months to complete, and it's the product of decades of research, experimentation, and refinement. 

The Prioritize, Plan, Get it Done planner walks you through a framework to identify what truly matters to you and then set you on a path of getting it done. Here's the structure at a glance, with examples:


I've been using it for several weeks now and have really enjoyed getting clear on what's important for the week ahead... and then being able to see clearly how I did seven days later!

Big, big thanks to the dozen folks who previewed the planner and gave helpful feedback. There's more context, better examples, and less fluff because of them! We'll keep incorporating refinements along the way, but it's time to get this baby out in the world. :)