Retiring the Michael and Annette Collections
Kim Ehrman
I'm retiring the Michael and Annette collections and moving their cards into the best-fitting alternative. These that haven't seemed to elicit the response I was hoping for, so it seems best to simplify and focus on other collections. I'll always be grateful for the inspiration these individuals and collections have provided, and I'm excited to see the benefit of further simplicity and focus.
We Love Love
Kim Ehrman
Every item in our Love and Valentine's collections is selling for $0.50 from now until Valentine's Day! By removing some cards from the lineup, we can make room for more favorites, like thinking of you, birthday, and Mother's Day cards.
Prioritize, Plan, and Get it Done
Kim Ehrman
Really, really exciting news: we're launching an annual planner! The Prioritize, Plan, Get it Done planner walks you through a framework to identify what truly matters to you and then set you on a path of getting it done. Big, big thanks to the dozen folks who previewed the planner and gave helpful feedback.
Really Enjoying Market Community
Kim Ehrman
As I have several Tower Grove pop-up markets under my belt this year, I've been particularly enjoying repeat visits by folks. Dear friends have been more than generous in stopping by in support, and acquaintances are feeling more like friends. Examples include someone stopping by just for a picture and to chat!