A Month into Full-Time Focus

A Month into Full-Time Focus

Kim Ehrman

January 31 feels like yesterday and like eight years ago. That's the last day I worked at a day job, and the subsequent freedom has been both wonderful and terrifying.

In the wonderful category:

  • I set my own schedule, so I can order the day around going for a run when it's nicest outside or heading to a coffee date with a friend.
  • I've invested in learning (took a Scaling Marketing sprint with Section4, which was really fun and informative) and leaning into curiosity, which provides important fuel for my mind and soul.
  • I've planned quite a few long weekends with friends over the next two months to make time and space for much-needed rejuvenation. First up: Sedona this weekend!

In the terrifying bucket:

  • It's just me. In charge of this business. And the goals and visions and plans that I had written down in a well-organized business plan :) seem so fuzzy when put against the light of real life. So if you hear a bit of angst in my voice, it's the "what do I really, truly, actually want this to be?!?" coming out.
  • And I've made it to a bit of a critical inflection point (hat tip to Michael Daehne and FlexPoint Consulting) where lots of family and friends have purchased cards (THANK YOU!!!!) but I'm still figuring out how to attract and delight "unaffiliated" customers (in the parlance of a Marketing classmate). I'm testing out brand awareness and product-specific advertising but am mostly coming to terms with the reality that building a customer base is hard work. 

And somewhere in between:

  • I truly miss working on a team. I believe strongly that my ideas get better with other perspectives, and it's been sad to want to test my thinking with other people and just find the dog sitting next to me. But this has prompted some creativity in asking for feedback and input from friends and family, so there's an in-between for sure.
  • I both love product development and want to be much better at card design. This belongs mostly in the wonderful section, but there's still so much room for growth that I know will take time and effort... but I just want it to be done now.
  • I've been interrupted by the dog wanting to play not once but twice in the writing of these few words. There is more play and laughter and lightheartedness in life right now, and I'm grateful for that.
So: it's been a good month! And I'm excited for the adventure to continue.