Creating New Rhythms and Expectations

Creating New Rhythms and Expectations

Kim Ehrman

Yesterday was a remarkable day: between breakfast and dinner, I did basically one thing. I focused on one singular objective -- setting up a custom page & processes on the Lavender Finch website -- for essentially the entire day. I did take a break to do a professional development webinar over lunch, and then I got right back at it.

This is SO DIFFERENT than a typical day back when I was working for someone else. I would plan my day around meetings and, if I had be proactive, I would have a couple of dedicated blocks for getting my work done. The to-do list had more things checked off it, but oftentimes they were lots of little things.

So it's a pretty big change to have a one-thing-done day. But I'm proud of that thing! I'm excited for it to be in the world. (Lest I give the wrong impression, I also took care of some bookkeeping things and setting up scalable workflows after dinner while my sister and I were watching TV... it can't be focus time all the time. :) ) 

I'm also learning about making things good enough, not letting perfection be the enemy of good, etc. I published something that I'm 80% proud of, rather than leave it in draft form until I'm 100% proud of it. I do intend to circle back to the new custom page (check it out!) to replace the iPhone + Ring light photos with much better ones, but they're good enough for this moment.

Confessions of the newly entrepreneurial complete, for today.