Working to avoid that "aw man" moment

Working to avoid that "aw man" moment

Kim Ehrman

If you've shopped for a greeting card, you may consider it a frustrating and disappointing process.

First, you have to find the right section (in a physical or virtual store). Then, you pick up a card because you really like the design on the front and open it up... and either love the words (or open space) inside or say aw man when you realize that the words (more often, paragraphs) in the card are not what you want to say.

That's been me more often that I'd like to say, and it's a big reason that I founded Lavender Finch. 

I want to write my own words in the card. (I acknowledge that not everyone is like this. "I'll just sign it" is a valid approach to card-sending.) And I want the printed words to match the design. 

What I really want is for us to live up to this goal: no aw man moments in buying a Lavender Finch card. We've created every card within a collection based on a distinct person in my life with very different card-sending habits, and we've tagged each one with its sentiment, in an attempt to make it intuitive to find a card that matches the tone and occasion you're looking for.

So: how are we doing? If you've perused the Lavender Finch site, I'd be really grateful for you to complete this three question survey about your experience. To spoil the surprise, the questions are:

  1. Have you had any aw man moments in navigating the Lavender Finch site and/or products?
  2. If yes, can you describe the aw man moment? If no, is there anything you'd like to share about your experience with us?
  3. Would you like us to follow up with you?

Okay, if you answer yes to number three, it becomes a five question survey... but that's totally up to you!

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm grateful to learn and improve with this community.